Well Kids,
We've come to the end of another leg of your journey toward graduation. The answer to the age old question "Are We There YET?" is a resounding NO! But, we are closer. We have grown together in many ways this year and I know I will read about your remarkable experiences in your portfolio. Regardless of whether or not I get to be your teacher next year, I am extremely proud of our work together during this one!
Please post a comment below and include a link to your published portfolio. ALSO provide a comment about the experience of looking back at your year of growth. I can't wait to read them all! - Mrs. Wierzbicki
ReplyDeleteLooking back at the year. You can see I have grown a lot, as a person and with my school work. I think that this experience that I had over help me a lot with better understanding things like, writing, reading, and vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteAnthony, your reflections are very good for a first timer! You need to give specific examples when you make a claim, though. If you say I have grown in my knowledge of ____, then you need to also say, For example, I now can/know ____. Makes sense? I did not see a conclusion and it is vital that you add that final piece of personal analysis. It will help you get a clear picture of where you still need to go as a Junior..both in the area of getting stronger at the strengths you currently have and improving your weaknesses. ALSO, WHERE IS YOUR PERSONAL SITE? Do not rob me of the opportunity to see that side of you, ok?
ReplyDeleteWhere is your brief comment about the experience of making a portfolio??? It can be brief, but I really need feedback about how the process went for everyone. Thanks!
DeleteYour portfolio was OUTSTANDING. You said you put a lot of work and time into the effort and it shows! It was a great read. Your reflections were a bit light on the "I need to improve" analysis, but overall, it was an A.
ReplyDeleteI can't view your portfolio. You did not make it public.
ReplyDeleteIn my portfolio It shows my growth from my freshman year.
DeleteYou have a lot accomplished, but there are some major issues. 1) Your Intro is incomplete. And your conclusion is weak/incomplete 2) Your reflections do not connect to the standard, do not explain the quality of your work in the assignments, and do not show your understanding of what needs to improve 3) Where is your personal WIX Fix this and I'll review again.
ReplyDeleteIn my portfolio it shows how much I had improved since I first came to Calumet this year. My experience here has helped me a lot with my reading and writing.
Wonderful first attempt at a portfolio! I loved reading more about you and your reflections were fantastic. You really "unpacked" the standards and explained how you know you learned them. Share that with others, ok?
DeleteThis year has been a good year for me. I know I have a lot of improvement to make. I know that this year I have become a better writer. I truly thank you for not giving up on me.
Reflections had basics, but some could have included more analysis of work level of quality and next steps for continued growth. LOVED the personal site! Fix the minor spelling errors (get someone to help you proofread) AND cross items off your bucket list that you accomplished.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis year had been an experience. I have learned many new things that I will keep with me for the future. Although I had some difficulties in the class I have done my best. This portfolio tells you my struggles as a student and what I can do to be a junior next year.
Fix your Intro Letter or Conclusion Essay (right now they are both the same document) and make your artifact pictures show up. That is all it will take to make this outstanding. GREAT EFFORT and honest analysis of your skills and professionalism this year.
ReplyDeleteI am actually happy I have one of the greatest teachers in the World ! She works hard everyday and doesn't stop. I don't know how she does it. She made me grow a lot this year in education . I have improved my writing skills tremendously and reading skills. But what I need to improve in is vocabulary. I can say I PASSED my ECA because of her.
Making the portfolio was fun it helped me discover what I am possible of doing. It was stressful freshmen year, but this year I really enjoyed it. I passed my ECA and I am ready for what is next.
Great Mixbook. You should really look at Alyssa Smar's Mixbook, too. It made a terrific portfolio package resource.
DeleteI have grown a lot from my experience at New Tech. My scores have improved for reading and writing, I get more in-depth with my work, and I get more research on the subject to better understand it.
ReplyDeleteI finally finished my portfolio! It took plenty of hard work. At first I wasnt going to do it but, Mrs. Wierzbicki and Ms. Downing pushed me to PASS PLUS++++ MY ENGLISH ECA!! If I can do that, I can do this and I did it! Check it out
I really don't like to make portfolios but I only made this one was because I had to and it was worth a grade.
Miguel Rodriguez
DeleteMiguel your portfolio looked AMAZING! I am so proud of your efforts here at the end of this year. Next year keep this motivation and start as you plan to end. ON TOP OF YOUR GAME!
DeleteLooking back at this year I saw how I improved and the preparations taken to pass the ECA, which I did. I wish that I had taken this year a bit more serious but I know for next year I won't be messing around as much.
Great job, Danny. I have loved watching you open up this year and take risks (not the dangerous kind LOL). I can't wait to see what you get done next year!
ReplyDeleteThis project really helped me see all of my goals I have reached and how much I have improved.
DeleteThis project really helped me see all of my goals I have reached and how much I have improved.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first year at calumet and the year flew by. This was probably the easiest thing that we've had to do all year, and it helped me look back and realize all that i've learned. I'm happy i stayed here.
Me too! Now if I can just get you to capitalize your I when you type... LOL
DeleteLooking back on my sophomore year I noticed I have grown up more. Not only have I grown up so did my education. I'm thankful to have a teacher that really does care. I passed my ECAs, I have good grades, and I am more hard working. Hopefully next year will be even better (:
ReplyDeleteI worked hard on this portfolio and this time around it seemed much harder. I worked as hard as I needed to succeed.
ReplyDeleteLooking back at my year of growth, I've become a very hard working student. I did what I had to do this year and it helped me a lot. Showing all my work I've done this year in my portfolio I realized a big difference in the beginning of the year and now.
ReplyDeleteI Bryan Bear Lizardi, am exhausted about being done with the portfolio. While in the act of completing my portfolio I have learned that hard work pays off, and that I shouldn't doubt my self. Enjoy.
This was an outstanding effort. I am so impressed that you accomplished this in two days. See what you can do when you concentrate and motivate yourself? Your Introduction and Conclusion can't be beat. An amazing amount of honest reflection! It was a joy to read about your progress this year.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this class a lot. I know that I have grown this year. I didn't think that I would be able to pass the English ECA this year but guess what happened I passed. I have improved a lot on reading and writing from this class. You helped me get ready this year and helped me succeed on the ECA. I hope you get to teach us next year. Thanks Mrs.Wierzbicki and Downing.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed being able to reflect upon all of the projects we've done throughout the year. I especially enjoyed being able to see how much I've grown as a writer/reader since last year. My best experience, during the duration of my Sophomore year, was passing my English ECA. One and done!
ReplyDeleteThis year I learned a lot about myself and New Tech. It took me a really long time to get use to New Tech but I had fun this year as I look back.
ReplyDeleteI liked being able to look back on all of my projects this year. I never realized how much work actually went into these projects until I reflected on them. I'm relieved to be done with this portfolio, I'm exhausted. Enjoy.
Terrific Job, Lauren. You did a great job reflecting honestly about your strengths and weaknesses. I loved reading it!
DeleteBeing able to look back at my year progress has been such a boost of confidence. Now that I have two years of high school under my belt, I feel that my junior and senior year will fly by even faster than the first two. However, I know that I definitely need some work in many areas, but hard work can overcome all obstacles. And you two have pushed us on it the most. (Especially Mrs Wierzbicki) So thank you!! I hope you guys end up being our teachers next year. (In some ways more than others) ha ha
ReplyDeleteMy sophomore portfolio!
ReplyDeleteI really liked looking back at projects that we did in the beginning of the year and seeing how much I have grown. It makes me proud to see how much I have grown as a learner and reflect on that as well. Now that I have PASSED my English ECA I even have proof to back up my improvement to! This year will always be remembered as ONE and DONE!
ReplyDeleteThis year has been a hard fun year. I enjoyed it and learned many new things.
Deletethis is the new one
I was glad to see how much I improved this year. I was really proud of myself. I was very glad to see that I had passed my English ECA one the first try! ONE & DONE :) !
ReplyDeleteMy sophomore portfolio!
As I look back from my freshman year I have improved a lot! Mentally, physically, and emotionally. One main goal this year was to pass my ECA, and do better with writing. Compared to last year my writing is amazing, and I passed my ECA. I came into my sophomore year thinking I had no chance to pass, but after the workshops, and interim's I did.
ReplyDeleteI believe that I have improved much since freshmen year and will continue to do my best. I will put more effort into the quality of work I do, and there will always be room for improvement.
ReplyDeleteI feel that I was able to use my portfolio to say what I wanted to say about this school year.I did start off slow within this year and had at one point become lazy. However, when I compare the two from my freshman year to my sophomore year, I feel that I can only move forward. For now,I hope to appreciate the smaller things I see in these school years to come.
Beautifully written portfolio reflections! LOVED your conclusion, no matter how short it was...and like you said, not the end anyway!
ReplyDelete(Tyler Webb is whiskaaaz, long story)
Since last year, I had made a large social improvement, but not too much of a work ethic change. Next year I hope that I'll become a much harder worker and a better worker.
This was a great read. It was well organized with minor errors that did not distract from the overall effect. Great job!
ReplyDeleteThroughout this school year I can see tremendous growth since my freshman year. It is such a great feeling to know that I have what it takes to be successful and that I can only keep going forward from here. Sometimes I feel like I haven't grown a lot, but then I now look and say I can do something I couldn't do last year, and that was passing my English ECA. I'm so proud of how far I have come. I honestly could not have done it without this class.
This is an example of hard work and honest analysis. GREAT portfolio! Junior year here you come!
ReplyDeleteLooking back at the year. You can see I have grown a lot, as a person and with my school work. I think that this experience that I had over help me a lot with better understanding things like, writing, reading, and vocabulary.
This portfolio has made me realize how I've grown not only as a student but also as a person. Having to do the reflection helped me come to the conclusion that I should try harder instead of settling for bare minimum (this year was a lazy year) so I think that is something I will change in the next year. It made me realize that I need improvement but it is because improvement is a part of learning. My personal page helped me realize that im cool..... lol
Will you write more just so I can read. I think you could be a great humorist. Do some reading/studying up on the genre. I would love to read your humor-filled opinion about anything you would want to write. :) Great effort on this portfolio. I appreciated your honest assessment of your skills and personal habits.
DeleteI really did enjoy doing this project, it lets me look back at how I did as a learner this year. I feel like I could of done better this year because I didn't really try to be honest. That's why my grades are the way they are. I am happy that I passed my ECA and I hope I pass my final. Thank you for being the best teacher there could be Mrs.Wierzbicki. I really do hope we have you next year. So we could do a profolio again.I always enjoy looking back.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
This is a wonderful representation of your hard work. I appreciated your honest analysis of your work ethic. You still need work on proofreading skills, but the ideas are easy to understand. GREAT JOB!
ReplyDeleteI think my portfolio shows my growth. This year i realized how much I need to work hard to pass high school. Life isn't going to just let me just slack through. And I grew out of my childish ways
You wrote some awesome reflections! You explained the standards AND thoroughly explained you know you mastered the work. There's a ton missing though, so get that done before the end of the hour.
ReplyDeleteI think that my portfolio shows growth since my freshman year. I have become more organized and dependent with my work in groups for projects. I have realized how important completing school work and passing classes are now that I am growing up and becoming closer to my graduation day.
Your work is not public, so I could not review.
DeleteGreat attempt, Ashley. Most of your reflections need the "next steps" statement, but you did a great job of finding strong artifacts to show you learned. LOVED the Personal Wix!
ReplyDeleteI hope that this portfolio can make you proud of me and what I've accomplished. This is definitely better than my freshman year. I part hard work into this so that it could make people realize how I've changed as a person. Completing school is key to being successful. And it all starts here. Please enjoy.
Your map is not public, so I could not review.
DeleteAlvin, your Intro and Conclusion are AWESOME reading! Honest and powerful. I believe you will be done the next time you take the portfolio. If you do all of the work I put in Echo this summer, and read what I tell you to, I guarantee you cannot fail!. WE ARE PARTNERS UNTIL YOU PASS, ok?
DeleteThis portfolio is thin in places, but I see that you tried!
ReplyDeleteSince last year I've improved on my reading and writing skills.
You are missing 4 major parts of the portfolio. I cannot give you a passing grade until you show me you have thought about your growth as a reader and as a writer. Where is your Introduction Letter and Conclusion Essay? Include these please. There are many people who wrote good ones for you to get ideas from.
DeleteYour portfolio LOOKS AMAZING. The reflections need to be separated and connected to their corresponding section in the portfolio. Once you do that, I will read it again. I didn't know you want to be chef. COOK FOR ME. I eat :)
ReplyDeleteI chose to take an easier and more fun route with this portfolio. I include my reflections, projects, and a little about my sophomore year, I hope you enjoy.
Wynnter, I did love your color scheme and nearly everything opens in your Symbaloo. Your reflections should be right next to the artifact so that the reader does not have to search to match them up. Your reflections were a bit thin, but I did notice that you always tried to discuss next steps. Good job! Where are your Intro and Conclusion? These are worth 30 points. MUST GET THEM DONE IF YOU WANT A "B" ok?
ReplyDeleteDisregarding all the trouble I've had this year, I think making this portfolio made me realize how much I've grown as a learner, especially the growth I've made from my freshman years writing level. To see how much my reading and writing levels improved really made my day, and I hope to improve more my junior and senior year.
ReplyDeleteI am actually happy I have one of the greatest teachers in the World ! She works hard everyday and doesn't stop. I don't know how she does it. She made me grow a lot this year in education . I have improved my writing skills tremendously and reading skills. But what I need to improve in is vocabulary. I can say I PASSED my ECA because of her.
Still can't read this PORTFOLIO. Publish it please.
ReplyDeleteDoing this project helped me realize I was successful this year. It showed me how I have improved overtime. Overall this portfolio was stressful but fun. Hopefully this one is better than my freshmen portfolio.
Kyle, your portfolio was terrific! I expected it to get done, but I will admit, I did not expect the level of analysis I found as I read. Come up to shake my hand tomorrow. You deserve it. I thoroughly enjoyed the read. But unfortunately, I have your portfolio statement that you will read whatever book I recommend...be prepared! Hahahahaha
DeleteLooking back at the year. You can see I have grown a lot, as a person and with my school work. I think that this experience that I had over help me a lot with better understanding things like, writing, reading, and vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you again for all of your help
We're going to be Juniors!!!! Wow time flies when you're having fun, or working really hard. This year has went by so fast and I know it has been a troubling year with many test, but it was fun and I can wait to grow even more next year.
Several of your artifacts do not appear, and that is going to cost you the technology points. You are missing artifacts for the Growth pieces, too. However, your Introduction and Conclusion are some of the best I have read. Way to Go!
ReplyDeleteReviewing my past projects of this year, I feel like I've grown a lot. Not only as a student, but as a person. I feel like I'm beginning to mold my future and be a somewhat successful adult. I hope you enjoy it.
Nick, you made me laugh with your statement that you are a functioning procrastinator. Hahaha. You're portfolio is missing some key parts, namely...your reflections could better describe the standards and how they are connected to the work/project. Then your reflections all need the "next step" statement. What will you do to repeat your successes and fix your mistakes?
DeleteStrong Intro and Conclusion. Did not see the Growth of a Reader work or reflection.
ReplyDeleteOmg we made it! High school really does fly past and you should make ever moment last forever. But, i feel that this year is harder in a way of holding your self at such a high expectation.
Laiaja, Your portfolio was a solid effort. You are missing the "next steps" piece in all of your reflections. I love the video in your personal site, but isn't that from last year? Where is your Introduction letter? Your conclusion? There are plenty of people who wrote good examples if you need ideas. Adrian's Conclusion essay was awesome if you want to give it a read.
ReplyDeleteWith new tech, I have learned many skills that will help me in the future and not just now. I know that all of the knowledge that I have learned will stay with me because I learned it in a nontraditional way, a creative way.
Adrian, your assessment in the conclusion essay was incredible! I wish everyone would be that honest. But, you could have given yourself some pats on the back, too. You never got angry, no matter how stressful you made yourself. You always tried to be a good group member and help everyone feel accepted, even if they might not have been in your circle of friends. So, chin up. You are going to have an amazing junior year! Just forget you ever heard the word, procrastination! Remember the old adage, "If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late." That applies to homework as well as punctuality. :)
ReplyDeleteI learned a lot thanks to new tech. It taught me about a lot of real life skills that are also used in the workforce and is preparing me for the future. With this portfolio it shows the growth over the years of highchool.
ReplyDeleteI have learned a lot this year. The skills I have built up with the help of New Tech, I know will help me achieve greatness next school year in Lowell as much as it did this year. I believe with all of the New Tech ways of learning and looking at world problems, I will be very successful in my future.
ReplyDeleteI had lots of fun this year and I feel that I could have done better this year but I was messing around in first semester. I feel I did better second semester. I am going to start junior year of strong and stay strong.
I feel that this year has been interesting and some what difficult figuring out this schools system. I feel that I have taken advantage of what they do here, and I also feel that me actually trying would create a drastic change in the way I communicate and comprehend.But since I'm new to this school I feel that if I could been taught the material I'm doing now, I believe my grade and the way I right would not only benefit me but increase an understanding of what I am doing.This was a little hard because I was not informed on the technology use that the students knew.But next year will be a drastic difference than this year.http://www.mindmeister.com/296394973#
ReplyDeleteI feel this year was very different from last year. Even though there were some trials and tribulations, I still was able to make it through another school year. I have no doubts I'm gonna be famous someday. But now is the time to pave the walkway to that place.
Stephen, you definitely tried. I loved your conclusion, but did not find an Introduction. That was worth 15 points. You lost points because of several missing items in your reflections and/or artifacts. If you care to fix this , I will adjust your grade.
ReplyDeleteI've learned a lot this year. I've learned not only book smarts, but also I've learned of life lessons. Many situations I've been in this year have made me realize the importance of the way I've been taught. This way of learning, believe it or not, this way of learning have prepared me for the professional life as well as other situations. Thanks for making this year interesting. I'm happy that you have faith in me as a learned, about AP classes. When I get the chance, I'll try my hardest and NEVER FORGET, ha, about how what you have taught me.
We're going to be Juniors!!!! Wow time flies when you're having fun, or working really hard. This year has went by so fast and I know it has been a troubling year with many test, but it was fun and I can wait to grow even more next year. If the links don't work I'll fix them.
ReplyDeleteI had fun this school year. I did struggle during the second semester since I did miss some important days and missing assignments. This year's portfolio was more difficult for me than last year but it was worth it to get feedback.
YES, this was better than your freshman attempt! I enjoyed reading your reflections.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis year was very interesting doing all these projects. Only thing that was hard was when I was trying to find my artifacts. This portfolio is better than my freshmen portfolio.
ReplyDeletei over all think that i've grown as a stronger worker from last year even though i wasn't here i became a fast learners at the new-tech way of schooling .
ReplyDeleteI think that I have grown as a writer this year because I have been able to give really great responses on our journals.